Open Kitchen Studio Presents...

At the Open Kitchen Studio we explore food, cooking techniques and flavour combinations while having fun and learning something new. I'm happy to share some of those adventures and discoveries with you and hope you enjoy them!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Going Molecular

So what’s with this molecular gastronomy anyway? Is it a new way off cooking? A trend or just a fad? Will it fade out tomorrow or remain with us as we continue to push the boundaries of the traditional kitchen? Is it passé already, or are we just seeing the tip of the iceberg?

I’ve been watching chef’s work their molecular magic on TV for some time now. Homaro Cantu and Wylie Dufresne showed us some amazing new dishes on Iron Chef America (Cantu won, Dufresne lost) Cantu and Grant Achatz were featured on At The Table With, a show that devotes an entire episode to one chef which really gives great insight into why these chefs cook the way they do, and how they got to where they are today.

And how about Heston Blumenthal? Chef of one of the best restaurants in the world, The Fat Duck, Heston had a show called In Search of Perfection, in which he recreated classic dishes by first analyzing the original recipe then creating a new one by using preparation methods more in tune with this new way of cooking, ultimately making a new and better version of the classic. Very interesting show, to say the least.

I’ve read a few cookbooks as well, including Alinea, by Grant Achatz and A Day at elBulli by Ferran Adria. These are two beautiful books that show what can be done when chefs push all the boundaries. The food is so beautiful to look at, and must surely taste amazing, right?

Well, I’ve found all this fascinating so far and would like to learn more about it. I went to a molecular gastronomy workshop in Edmonton last month and now I’ve purchased a few supplies to start me off. My initial experiments have been successful and I hope for more in the future. What I’m hoping is that I come away with a few things that will compliment my style of cooking. I want these new items to be beautiful with amazing taste. I want people to eat them and say ‘wow! That was great!’ But then, I’ve always striven for that!
So here are a couple pics of my first attempt at this new way of preparing food. White Chocolate Spaghetti with Raspberry Ravioli and Mint Foam. I’ll keep working on it and post others as I learn and progress.


Unknown said...

I'm drooling Mark already.

... in the mix said...

It's pretty interesting working with these new techniques. We're going to try out a few more things this afternoon. I'm only playing with the very basics though, as you can see from the video links in the post. I've developed a special page on my website to track my efforts.

Natasha Ballard said...

Hi there!!

Where on earth did you find the supplies in Edmonton??? I have been calling EVERYWHERE to find them with no luck at all :(